Foundation of Data Analytics
आईएसबीएन: 978-1-64459-277-9uCertify FDN-DA.AE1
Kickstart your career with this beginner-friendly Data Analytics course by learning how to use data for making informed decisions.
(FDN-DA.AE1) / आईएसबीएन : 978-1-64459-277-9Foundation of Data Analytics is a beginner-friendly certification course that focuses on data science tools for effective analysis and visualization. This introduction to data analytics course teaches you the techniques for transforming raw data into actionable insights that can be used for making informed decisions. Learn how to perform data manipulation and the role of this information in improving business statistics. Understand the dynamics of data optimization, and forecasting techniques using regression analysis, and data visualizations.
7+ पाठ | 9+ अभ्यास | 64+ प्रश्नोत्तरी | 112+ फ़्लैशकार्ड | 112+ पारिभाषिक शब्दावली
51+ पूर्व मूल्यांकन प्रश्न | 53+ मूल्यांकन के बाद के प्रश्न |
35+ लाइवलैब | 29+ वीडियो शिक्षण | 38+ Minutes