CCNA 200-301 Pearson uCertify Network Simulator
आईएसबीएन: 9781616918378200-301-SIMULATOR.AB1
Advanced Java Course Hindi" /> Advanced Java Course Hindi" />
Build on your core Java programming skills with this advanced-level training from the best instructors. Explore stream creation, filtering, mapping, and more.
(pearson-core-java-II) / आईएसबीएन : 978-1-64459-157-4आपको जिस सहायता की आवश्यकता है उसे प्राप्त करें। हमारे प्रशिक्षक-नेतृत्व वाले पाठ्यक्रम में नामांकन करें।
12+ पाठ | 121+ प्रश्नोत्तरी | 115+ फ़्लैशकार्ड | 115+ पारिभाषिक शब्दावली
105+ पूर्व मूल्यांकन प्रश्न | 2+ पूर्ण लंबाई परीक्षण | 102+ मूल्यांकन के बाद के प्रश्न | 100+ अभ्यास परीक्षण प्रश्न
41+ लाइवलैब | 41+ वीडियो शिक्षण | 01+ Minutes
19+ वीडियो | 02:07+ Hours
Still thinking about whether to do this advanced Java course or not? Read this section for more information.
हमसे अभी संपर्क करें
This course is perfect for those wanting to learn high-level Java programming skills to build sophisticated apps. Ideal candidates include:
This is an expert-level course that requires you to have a solid understanding of the core fundamentals and basic Java programming experience. You can enroll for our ‘Core Java: Fundamentals’ course in case you don’t have the required knowledge & experience.
Yes, this course can definitely help you to prepare for some industry-recognized Java certification exams. With the right experience, knowledge, and a focused exam preparation approach, you can significantly increase your chances of success in Java certification exams.
uCertify offers a structured learning approach that focuses more on ‘learning by doing’. Our courses are equipped with interactive learning activities like Live Labs, flashcards, quizzes and practice tests that help you to practice the theories. Additionally, it provides access to expert instructors (on-demand) who can answer your questions and provide guidance.
This advanced programming course opens a variety of interesting job opportunities including core Java developer, Java architect, big data engineer, android app developer, full-stack developer, DevOps engineer, game developer, data scientist, and machine learning engineer.
Some of the advanced topics covered in this course include functional programming, concurrency and multithreading, Input/Output, sockets & HTTP protocols on networking, database programming (JDBC queries), cryptography, advanced GUI programming, and JNI native methods.