CompTIA PenTest+ (PT0-002)
Buy our CompTIA Pentest+ training course to develop strong penetration testing skills and pass the PT0-002 exam to become a certified ethical hacker.
(PT0-002.AE1) / आईएसबीएन : 978-1-64459-375-2इस कोर्स के बारे में
Our CompTIA Pentest+ PT0-002 study guide provides the foundational knowledge and practical insights every penetration tester needs to pass the exam, impress employers, and create a personalized portfolio. Learn how to perform vulnerability scans per the legal and regulatory requirements and produce written reports listing remediation strategies against cyber threats.
कौशल जो आपको प्राप्त होंगे
- Define the engagement's goals and limitations.
- Understand legal and ethical considerations for penetration testing.
- Conduct passive and active reconnaissance techniques to gather information about a target system.
- Utilize tools like dig, nslookup, Maltego, and Recon-ng for information gathering.
- Perform network enumeration using tools like Nmap and Zenmap.
- Configure and execute vulnerability scans using tools like Nessus and OpenVAS.
- Analyze and interpret vulnerability scan results to prioritize targets.
- Develop a workflow for vulnerability remediation.
- Conduct network attacks like ARP spoofing, XSS attacks, and DDoS attacks.
- Exploit vulnerabilities in Windows services like RDP, SMB, and SMTP.
- Perform social engineering attacks.
- Exploit vulnerabilities in web applications like SQL injection and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF).
- Attack cloud technologies, mobile devices, IoT systems, and specialized systems.
- Understand the role of scripting in penetration testing.
- Learn basic scripting principles using Python and Bash shells.
- Automate tasks and enhance penetration testing workflows using scripts.
- Maintain persistence on compromised systems to conduct further exploration.
- Communicate technical information to both technical and non-technical audiences.
आपको जिस सहायता की आवश्यकता है उसे प्राप्त करें। हमारे प्रशिक्षक-नेतृत्व वाले पाठ्यक्रम में नामांकन करें।
13+ पाठ | 401+ अभ्यास | 232+ प्रश्नोत्तरी | 571+ फ़्लैशकार्ड | 457+ पारिभाषिक शब्दावली
80+ पूर्व मूल्यांकन प्रश्न | 2+ पूर्ण लंबाई परीक्षण | 80+ मूल्यांकन के बाद के प्रश्न | 160+ अभ्यास परीक्षण प्रश्न
व्यावहारिक प्रयोगशालाएँ
42+ लाइवलैब | 40+ वीडियो शिक्षण | 01:48+ Hours
- CompTIA
- The PenTest+ Exam
- What Does This Course Cover?
- CompTIA PenTest+ Certification Exam Objectives
Penetration Testing
- What Is Penetration Testing?
- Reasons for Penetration Testing
- Who Performs Penetration Tests?
- The CompTIA Penetration Testing Process
- The Cyber Kill Chain
- Tools of the Trade
- Summary
- Exam Essentials
- Lab Exercises
Planning and Scoping Penetration Tests
- Scoping and Planning Engagements
- Penetration Testing Standards and Methodologies
- Key Legal Concepts for Penetration Tests
- Regulatory Compliance Considerations
- Summary
- Exam Essentials
- Lab Exercises
Information Gathering
- Footprinting and Enumeration
- Active Reconnaissance and Enumeration
- Information Gathering and Defenses
- Summary
- Exam Essentials
- Lab Exercises
Vulnerability Scanning
- Identifying Vulnerability Management Requirements
- Configuring and Executing Vulnerability Scans
- Software Security Testing
- Developing a Remediation Workflow
- Overcoming Barriers to Vulnerability Scanning
- Summary
- Exam Essentials
- Lab Exercises
Analyzing Vulnerability Scans
- Reviewing and Interpreting Scan Reports
- Validating Scan Results
- Common Vulnerabilities
- Summary
- Exam Essentials
- Lab Exercises
Exploiting and Pivoting
- Exploits and Attacks
- Exploitation Toolkits
- Exploit Specifics
- Leveraging Exploits
- Persistence and Evasion
- Pivoting
- Covering Your Tracks
- Summary
- Exam Essentials
- Lab Exercises
Exploiting Network Vulnerabilities
- Identifying Exploits
- Conducting Network Exploits
- Exploiting Windows Services
- Identifying and Exploiting Common Services
- Wireless Exploits
- Summary
- Exam Essentials
- Lab Exercises
Exploiting Physical and Social Vulnerabilities
- Physical Facility Penetration Testing
- Social Engineering
- Summary
- Exam Essentials
- Lab Exercises
Exploiting Application Vulnerabilities
- Exploiting Injection Vulnerabilities
- Exploiting Authentication Vulnerabilities
- Exploiting Authorization Vulnerabilities
- Exploiting Web Application Vulnerabilities
- Unsecure Coding Practices
- Steganography
- Application Testing Tools
- Summary
- Exam Essentials
- Lab Exercises
Attacking Hosts, Cloud Technologies, and Specialized Systems
- Attacking Hosts
- Credential Attacks and Testing Tools
- Remote Access
- Attacking Virtual Machines and Containers
- Attacking Cloud Technologies
- Attacking Mobile Devices
- Attacking IoT, ICS, Embedded Systems, and SCADA Devices
- Attacking Data Storage
- Summary
- Exam Essentials
- Lab Exercises
Reporting and Communication
- The Importance of Communication
- Recommending Mitigation Strategies
- Writing a Penetration Testing Report
- Wrapping Up the Engagement
- Summary
- Exam Essentials
- Lab Exercises
Scripting for Penetration Testing
- Scripting and Penetration Testing
- Variables, Arrays, and Substitutions
- Comparison Operations
- String Operations
- Flow Control
- Input and Output (I/O)
- Error Handling
- Advanced Data Structures
- Reusing Code
- The Role of Coding in Penetration Testing
- Summary
- Exam Essentials
- Lab Exercises
Information Gathering
- डिग और nslookup कमांड का उपयोग करना
- डिग का उपयोग करके ज़ोन ट्रांसफर करना
- माल्टेगो का उपयोग करना
- रिकॉन-एनजी का उपयोग करना
- नेटवर्क गणन के लिए एनएमएपी का उपयोग करना
- एक नेटवर्क पर टोही प्रदर्शन करना
- ज़ेनमैप में गहन स्कैन करना
- उपयोगकर्ता गणना के लिए एनएमएपी का उपयोग करना
- एनएमएपी यूडीपी स्कैन करना
- Nmap SYN स्कैन करना
Vulnerability Scanning
- नेसस का उपयोग करके भेद्यता स्कैनिंग का संचालन करना
Analyzing Vulnerability Scans
- स्थानीय विशेषाधिकार वृद्धि को समझना
Exploiting and Pivoting
- OpenVAS का उपयोग करके भेद्यता स्कैनिंग करना
- सर्चप्लॉट का उपयोग करना
- मीटरप्रेटर का उपयोग करना
- टास्क शेड्यूलर का उपयोग करना
- पास-द-हैश अटैक को समझना
- मेटासप्लोइट आरडीपी शोषण के बाद के मॉड्यूल का उपयोग करना
Exploiting Network Vulnerabilities
- एआरपी स्पूफिंग करना
- Conducting a Cross Site Scripting (XXS) attack
- Capturing Network Packets Using tcpdump
- DDoS हमले का अनुकरण
- मेटास्प्लोइट में इटरनलब्लू एक्सप्लॉइट का उपयोग करना
- एसएमबी का शोषण
- एसएमटीपी का शोषण
- एसएनएमपी का शोषण
Exploiting Physical and Social Vulnerabilities
- सेट टूल का उपयोग करना
- बीईएफ का उपयोग करना
Exploiting Application Vulnerabilities
- Exploiting Command Injection Vulnerabilities
- SQL इंजेक्शन का उपयोग करके वेबसाइट का शोषण करना
- क्रॉस-साइट अनुरोध जालसाजी हमले का संचालन करना
- स्टेग्नोग्राफ़ी का उपयोग करके पाठ छिपाना
- OWASP ZAP का उपयोग करना
- बर्प सूट का उपयोग करके सत्र अपहरण करना
Attacking Hosts, Cloud Technologies, and Specialized Systems
- क्रैकिंग पासवर्ड
- जॉन द रिपर का उपयोग कर एक लिनक्स पासवर्ड क्रैक करना
- नेटकैट का उपयोग करके रिवर्स और बाइंड शैल बनाना
Scripting for Penetration Testing
- विंडोज फ़ायरवॉल में एक आईपी एड्रेस को व्हाइटलिस्ट करना
- पर्ल में लिखे कारनामे देखना
- ब्राउज़र में शत्रुतापूर्ण जावास्क्रिप्ट के प्रभाव देखना
- पायथन में पिंग स्वीप का उपयोग करके लाइव होस्ट ढूँढना
- बैश शैल स्क्रिप्ट लिखना
कोई प्रश्न? FAQ देखें
क्या आपके पास अभी भी अनुत्तरित प्रश्न हैं और आपको संपर्क करने की आवश्यकता है?
हमसे अभी संपर्क करेंPenTest+ refers to the certification itself, offered by CompTIA, a trusted provider of IT certifications. Earning this certification demonstrates your competence in the ethical hacking methodology and the skills to effectively pen-test an environment.
PT0-002 is the current version of the PenTest+ exam. Exam versions are identified by codes, and PT0-002 signifies the latest iteration of the PenTest+ certification program. It focuses on the most up-to-date practices and tools used in penetration testing.
The CompTIA PenTest+ PT0-002 exam is the successor to the PT0-001 exam. While both assess an individual's skills in penetration testing, the PT0-002 focuses on the most up-to-date methodologies and techniques. PT0-002 is considered to be more challenging than PT0-001 due to the inclusion of more advanced topics and performance-based questions.
The cost of CompTIA Pentest+ varies, depending on the country & region. In the US, you can register for USD 404.